
v6.0 - Last Mod.: 05/27/2010
With SITEFORUM Tasks you can plan, manage and check tasks together with your team. You can assign tasks to aingle persons in your team and organize them according to category and priority.
Note: To work in this section you need to be "Portal Master," "Content Manager" or "Contact User."

1. Tasks

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Intranet & Backoffice > Tasks.
All pending tasks will be listed in the overview:
  • # Shows the serial number of the task.
  • Status Shows the priority and the status of the task, red = priority high, pending, yellow = priority low/normal, pending, green = priority low/normal/high, completed.
  • Subject/Category Shows the subject and the category.
  • From Shows the name of the creator of the task.
  • To Shows the name of the recipient.
  • Date Shows the creation date and time.
  • Priority Shows the priority. If a deadline is provided, then the corresponding date is listed as well.

1.1 Add

  1. In the overview click the tab Add.
  2. Enter in the field Subject a subject, e.g. Final Report.
  3. Choose from the selection box Project the project/customer the task belongs to.
    Note: To add a project q.v.2. Projects
  4. Enter in the field Details important details, e.g. Finalize report and include sector 7G.
  5. Choose in the area Priority the priority, e.g. High.
  6. Choose from the selectiob box Category the appropriate category, e.g. TODO.
    Note: As "Portal Master" or "Contact Manager" you can create further, individual categories, which can be selected here, q.v. 2. Settings.
  7. Choose from the selectiob box Recipient the recipient of the task. These are all "Contact Users" of your portal, e.g. Public, John Q..
  8. Activate the option Email Notification to leave a message for the recipient.
  9. Activate the option Deadline to specify a deadline.
    Two further options are displayed:
    1. Choose from the first selection box the appropriate situation.
    2. Choose from the selection boxes Month/Day/Year below the date until the task has to be completed, e.g. 12/01/2008.
  10. In the area Attachment you can upload and attach a file.
    1. Click the button Browse.
    2. Choose a file from your system.
    3. Click the button Upload.
    The uploaded file gets displayed. Repeat this process if neccessary to upload further files. To delete a file click the icon Delete.
  11. Click the button Save when ready.

1.2 Pending

  1. In the navigation on the left below Tasks click Pending.
  2. Choose in the overview the task you want to complete.
  3. Click either the # or the Subject of the task.
    In the area Details all details of the task are displayed.
  4. If required enter in the area Comment a comment to leave a message for the creator of the task.
  5. Click the button Complete to complete the task.

1.3 Edit

  1. In the navigation on the left below Tasks click Pending.
  2. Choose in the overview the task you want to edit.
  3. Click either the # or the Subject of the task.
  4. Click the tab Edit.
  5. Make all changes needed, q.v. 1.1 Add.
  6. Click the button Save when ready.

1.4 Completed

All completed tasks are listed here. You can edit a completed task, but you cannot reopen it.
  1. In the navigation on the left below Tasks click Completed.
  2. Choose in the overview the task you want to edit.
  3. Click either the # or the Subject of the task.
  4. Click the button Edit.
  5. Make all changes needed.
  6. Click the button Save when ready.

1.5 Search

With a filter you can search for each pending and completed task.
  • Click in the navigation on the left the corresponding link Pending or Completed.
  1. Choose from the selection box From the creator of the task, e.g. Public, John.
  2. Choose from the selection box To the recipient, e.g. All.
  3. Choose in the area Start Date from the selection boxes Month/Day/Year the start, e.g. 01/02/2008.
  4. Choose in the area Expiration Dare from the selection boxes Month/Day/Year the end e.g. 03/02/2008.
  5. If required enter in the field Keyword a keyword to limit the search, e.g. Report.
  6. Click the button Diplay.
All fittings tasks will be listed.


2. Projects

Here you can add projects to which you can assign tasks.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Intranet & Backoffice > Tasks.
  3. n the navigation on the left, below Tasks click Projects.
You get to the overview of the current projects.

2.1 Overview

  1. Above the calendar choose
    • Show completed tasks to show all completed tasks in the calendar and
    • from the selection box Select responsible person choose the user in charge.
  2. Click the button Display.
All tasks get displayed project related.


2.2 Add

  1. Click the tab Add Project.
  2. Enter in the field Name a name for the project.
  3. Enter in the field Customer the customer's name. Choose from the appearing list the desired company.
    Note: If the desired company does not yet exist click the link Company does not exist yet? Click here to add the company to add the customer.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

3. Settings

As a "Portal Master" or "Contact Manager" you can create categories, which can be chosen when adding a new task.

Log in your portal.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Intranet & Backoffice > Tasks.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Tasks, click Settings.
  4. Enter in the field Categories all desired categories. You can also edit or delete existing categories.
    Note: Seperate one category with a line break from the next one.
  5. Click the button Save when ready.