
v9.0- Last Mod.: 07/31/2017
SITEFORUM Menus enable you to add and manage a comprehensive menu structure for your portal.
Note: To work in this menu you need to have either the role "Portal Manager" or "Content Manager."

1. Overview

The entire menu structure is dynamically created and can be edited, moved and streamlined at any time. If, for example, you want to change the name of a menu later, you do not have to update the entire content of the menu.
After creating a menu structure you can fill the menus with content by creating stories and assigning them to menus.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Menus.
The following table gets displayed:
  • Status Shows the status of the menu, grün = aktiv, rot = inaktiv.
    By clicking the icon you can change the status.
  • Position To change the sort order of the menus via drag&drop.
    Warning: Changes here do not affect the order of the menu in the portal landingpages. Only the structure of the menus inside the Portal Manager can be changed, e.g. when selecting stories. For changing the order of the main menu in the portal landingpages, q.v. 3. Sort main menus in design. The sort order of submenus can be changed with this column.
  • Language Shows the standard language for the particular menu.
  • Name Shows the name of the menu.
    By clicking the name you get to the first level of the corresponding submenus.
  • Submenus Shows the number of submenus in this menu.
    By clicking the number you get to the submenus.
  • Stories Shows the number of stories in this menu.
    By clicking the number you get to the stories.
  • Actions Shows a list of possible operations to manage menus:

2. Add

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Menus.

2.1 Add Main Menu

  1. In the navigation on the left below Menus click Add.
  2. Enter in the field Name the name of the menu.
  3. Enable the checkbox Status to activate the menu in the landing page.
  4. Select in the area User Group(s) the user group(s), which should be able to see the menu as well as the submenus.
  5. Choose from the selection box Language the default language of the menu.
  6. If required activate the checkbox only one language behind, if the portal is not mulit-language.
  7. Choose from the selection box Teaser Mode the template on which stories (intro stories, not lead stories), which are based in this menu, are displayed.
    Note: Several stories can be assigned to each menu. The display of the listing of these stories can be controlled by "intro templates" which have to be assigned to the menu, q.v. 4. Story Intro Templates.
  8. If required choose from the selection box Category a category for the menu.
  9. If required choose in the area Story Display the kind of displaying the stories:
    • Choose Standard to display stories as per position.
    • Choose Story Type to show only stories of the desired type. In this case choose from the selection box the story type.
    • Choose Lead stories of submenu to display all lead stories of the corresponding submenus
    • Choose Archive to sort stories by refrence date. Single tabs appear for each year.
  10. Click the button Save when ready.

2.2 Add Submenu

  1. In the Overview click the menu to which you want to add a submenu.
    You get to the first level.
  2. Click the tab Add.
  3. Enter in the field Name the name of the menu.
  4. Activate the checkbox Active to activate the menu in nthe landing page.
  5. Choose in the area User Group(s) the user group(s), which should be able to see the menu as well as the submenus.
  6. Choose from the selection box Representation the template on which stories (intro stories, not lead stories), which are based in this menu, are displayed.
    Note: Several stories can be assigned to each menu. The display of the listing of these stories can be controlled by "intro templates" which have to be assigned to the menu. To modify the design of this intro template, q. v. Tools & Administration > Design & Layout > Story Templates/Story Intro Templates.
  7. If required choose from the selection box Category a category for the menu.
  8. If required choose in the area Story Display the kind of displaying the stories:
    • Choose Standard to display stories as per position.
    • Choose Story Type to show only stories of the desired type. In this case choose from the selection box the story type.
    • Choose Lead stories of submenu to display all lead stories of the corresponding submenus
    • Choose Archive to sort stories by refrence date. Single tabs appear for each year.
  9. Click the button Save when ready.

2.3 Edit Main Menu

  1. Choose in the Overview the menu you want to edit.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Edit the menu as desired, q.v. 2.1 Add Main Menu.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

2.4 Edit Submenu

  1. Click in teh Overview the main menu in which the submenu is located you want to edit.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Edit the menu as desired, q.v. 2.2 Add Submenu.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

2.5 Translate Main Menu

  1. Choose in the Overview the menu you want to translate.
  2. Click the icon Translate.
  3. Enter in each field the corresponding translation of the menu name.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

2.6 Translate Submenu

  1. Click in teh Overview the main menu in which the submenu is located you want to translate.
  2. Click the icon Translate.
  3. Enter in each field the corresponding translation of the submenu name.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

2.7 Move Main Menu

  1. Click in the Overview the main menu which you want to move.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Click the tab Move.
  4. Choose from the seelection box the menu to which you want to move the first menu.
  5. Click the button Move.
Note: All submenus and stories of this menus get moved as well.

2.8 Move Submenu

  1. Click in the Overview the main menu in which the submenu you want to move is located.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Click the tab Move.
  4. Choose a menu from the selection box in which you want to move the selected menu.
  5. Click the button Move.
Note: All submenus and stories of this menus get moved as well.

2.9 Delete Main Menu

Warning: If you delete a menu all submenus of that menu get deleted as well.
  1. Choose in the Overview the main menu you want to delete.
  2. Click the icon Delete on the left side of the table.
  3. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

2.10 Delete Submenu

Warning: If you delete a menu all submenus of that menu get deleted as well.
  1. Choose the submenu you want to delete.
  2. Click the icon Delete on the left side of the table.
  3. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

3. Sort main menus in design

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Menus.

3.1 Sort Main Menu

  1. Sort the order of the menus via Drag & Drop.

3.2 Sort Submenu

  1. Sort the individual menus via Drag & Drop.

4. Story Intro Templates

Story intro templates are templates for the design of teaser stories in a menu. The intro template defines, how the teaser is supposed to look like, which size the title has, if an image is visible, etc.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Menus.
  3. In the navigation on the left, below Menus click Story Intro Templates.
You get to the overview of all existing templates:
  • Preview Shows a preview of the template.
  • Name/Description Shows the name and a description of the tempalte.
  • Objects Shows the number of objects which are based on the template.
  • Edit By clicking the icon you get to the editing mode.
  • Delete By clicking the icon you can delete the template.

4.1 Add

  1. Click the tab Add.
  2. Enter in the field Source code the code which describes the template.
  3. In the area Available Placeholders you can view all available placeholders by clicking the red arrow icon.
  4. In the area Design Attributs you can view all available design attributes by clicking the red arrow icon.
  5. In the area Special Characters you can view all available placeholders by clicking the red arrow icon.
  6. Enter in the field Name a name for the new template.
  7. If required enter in the field Description a description.
  8. If required upload in the area Image an image which displays the single elements of the template.
  9. If required use the Variable Fields by entering the desried text in each field, e.g. Date.
  10. If required choose from the selection box Form a form whose elements are then visible and ready to be filled in the story.
  11. Click the button Save when ready.

4.2 Edit

  1. Choose the template which you want to edit.
  2. Click the icon Edit.
  3. Edit the template as desired, q.v. 4.1 Add.
  4. Click the button Save when ready.

4.3 Delete

Note: Templates on which at least one object is based cannot be deleted.
  1. Choose the template which you want to delete.
  2. Click the icon Delete.
  3. Confirm the erasing procedure by clicking the button OK.

5. Settings

  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Menus.
  3. In the navigation on the left below Menus click Settings.
  4. From the selection box Archive menu choose the menu which should be the archive.
    Note: Only the chosen main menu is becoming an archive, submenus are not concerned.
  5. Choose from the selection box Representation the template on which stories (intro stories, not lead stories), which are based in this menu, are displayed.
  6. Enter in the field Story Listing the number of stories which should be displayed at max. in a mennu.
  7. Activate the checkbox Seach Index to remove all expired stories from the search index.
  8. Click the button Save when ready.

6. Newsflash

Here you have an overview of your newsflashs, which you can edit or delete. Through newsflashs you can display stories from a particular menu directly on your home page or on the landing page of your web portal. You can use the newsflash to generate a rotation of the latest company information or to display the latest products.
  1. Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
  2. Then click Website & CMS > Menus.
  3. In the navigation on the left below Menus click Newsflashs.

6.1 Add

Create a new newsflash here, and define origin, number and display of stories as well as name and size of the newsflash on the portal. Preconditions: At least one menu with more than one story is needed, since otherwise there is no content that can be displayed in the newsflash. Note: To make the newsflash visible, the newsflash ID has to be integrated into the design as placeholder.
  • Click +Add in the overview.
  • Enter name and description in the Details area and define your content regarding menu, story type etc.
  • Click on Save.
  • The placeholder with the ID of the newsflash you just created is displayed ($newsFlash:xxxxx) - you can use this placeholder to integrate the newsflash into your current homepage story, homepage design or master design.

6.2 Edit

  • Select the newsflash that you want to edit in the overview.
  • Click the Actions icon next to it and select Edit.
  • Click Save when you have finalized your changes.

6.3 Delete

  • Select the newsflash that you want to delete in the overview.
  • Click the Actions icon next to it and select Delete.
  • Confirm the process by clicking OK in the dialogue.

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