Academy story


Blogs (or web logs) are short articles written about varying subjects, in the SITEFORUM package users can write their own blogs as well as personalise them to control who is able to see them.

Adding a blog

  • Blogs in the SITEFORUM system are added through the front end of the site rather than the Portal masters  toolset
  • Go to the apps menu, then choose blogs.
  • Click Add
  • Type in the title
  • Add the article using the wysiwyg
  • Enter tags (searchable keywords)
  • Choose who can see it from the options
  • Choose whether to send it to outside source such as facebook (you must first set this up in your profile.)
  • Save

Searching for blogs

Go to the blogs tab then:
  • Choose a tag
  • Look at the listings (top rated, most viewed, most discussed etc.)
  • Typ in a keyword
  • Choose my blogs to see blogs you've written.

Creating blog templates

(Portal Masters only)
  • Go to Portal manager > Network and community > Blogs
  • Choose the templates option on the left
  • Enter the template using HTML, CSS and Placeholders
  • Save.


Under Portal Manager > Tools & Administration > Categories you can create categories and subcategories and assign them to elements like users, helpdesk tickets and companies among many others. Using categories you can create a clear structure and categorisation of your elements - for example by assigning users (elements) to certain industries (categories).
You can create categories and subcategories as well as edit, move and delete existing ones in order to adjust the categories to your current needs.

Community Control

Portal Manager > Network and Community > Community Contol


The community control section of the Portal Master toolset allows you to monitor the various conversations that are going on around your portal, this can be used for various reason; for example moderation or CRM. 

Managing Conversations

In order to find conversations go to the community control homepage.
Here you will find the most recent postings.
Click the tabs across the top (blogs etc.) to see the latest postings in each field.
Click on the delete (dustbin) or view (the eye - to view as it will be seen by a user) to make changes to the posting


Templates or story templates are a framework for the layout of your story and define postions of elements like text, images, headlines, etc. There are templates for different kinds of elements, e.g. blog templates, product templates, company templates, etc.
Templates can be edited and you can create custom templates.

What's a Blog?

Blog is short for Weblog, a made-up word from ‚Web’ and ‚Logbook’.
Blog entries are listed in a reverse chronological oder. Usually blogs are linked with each other and can be commented by other users.

What's a Tag Cloud?

A tag cloud contains the most popular tags, independent of the element (e.g. blogs, wiki article, documents, etc.) they belong to. The single tags of the tag cloud can be clicked and the matching results get displayed.

Why can I not write a blog?

To write a blog Tags have to be created first, which are then assignent content-wise to the blog. You can add tags under Tools & Administration > Tags. Don't forget  to assign them to blogs, otherwise the tags don't get displayed.

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