Creating an email campaign

Email Campaigns can be found in Marketing & CRM menu under campaigns.

• In order to create a campaign you must first click the add tab and then fill in the required fields.
• Once the campaign is created you need to add the content. To do this go to the overview and select the campaign. You’ll notice that the information you originally added is present, but below this are 2 main areas Internal content (for users registered on portal) and external content (for users not registered on portal). In these 2 areas are a number of tabs (template based HTML etc.)
• Click the edit tab for template based html content, choose the templates for the overall campaign and the section you are adding (if multiple) and insert the copy for the email campaign into the WYSIWYG editor provided. Preview the campaign to make sure it’s formatted correctly and save.
• A text only version of the campaign should be added to the text based content area (links cannot be used here so you will need to insert the full URL) for users who use a service that does not show emails in HTML.
• Add any necessary attachments.
• Add users, by selecting the user group/category/external list you would like to send it to.
• Send a test email to yourself using the start and test tab and then start the campaign by setting up the schedule.
• The reports tab creates statistics about how successful the campaign was by providing information about how many people opened the email and how many people clicked on links etc.

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