What are the most important settings in SEO 360?

1. Check your Domain

If a wrong domain is entered in your portal, Google will not find it and shortcuts won't work either. That's why it is very important to enter the right domain at the right spot:
  1. Click Marketing & CRM > SEO 360 > Manage Metadata > Tab Main Settings.
  2. Check the column URL.
  3. Enter the correct URL as far as a false URL was inserted.

2. Check the Backup Process

If the backup process is not active the data are not going to be exported.
  1. Click Marketing & CRM > SEO 360 > Settings & Google Sitemaps > Tab Main Settings.
  2. Check the line Cron-Export.
  3. Activate the option yes in case it says stop.

3. Check the Export

To be sure that the export starts regularly you can check the processing time.
  • Click Marketing & CRM > SEO 360 > SEO objects & elements > Tab Overview.
    The column Status shows you, if the export was successful. The column Time shows date and time of the last export.
  • Click Marketing & CRM > SEO 360 > SEO objects & elements > Tab CMS.
    You can boost the export speed, in case you have a lot of stories, which you want to export from your portal.

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