v6.0 - Last Mod.: 04/15/2010
Design Modules are placeholders with which you respond to certain areas and define the abilities of these single functions.
Note: To work in this section it is absolutely necessary that you have good HMTL skills.
1. Design Modules
- Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
- Then click Tools & Administration > Design & Layout.
- In the navigation on the left, below Master Design & Design Module, click Design Modules.
All Design Modules are listed:
- $name-Module Shows the module and how it is used in the Master Design.
- Name Shows the name of the module.
- Description Describes the module.
The modules are divided in the following blocks:
- Navigations & Menus
- info modules
- other important modules
- Layout elements of $content area
- other layout elements
1.1 Edit
- Choose in the overview the module you want to edit.
- Click the name of the module.
Note: Every Design Module has its own parameters, which means that the editing mode is always different.
You get to the following table:
- Position Name Shows the position and the name of the parameters.
- Edit In this column you edit the parameter.
- use only these placeholders In this column all available placeholders are listed.
- Description Describes the parameter.
- Edit the parameter in the column Edit.
Warning: Only use the given placeholders for each position.
- Click the button Save when ready.