v12.0- Last Mod.: 08/11/2022
With this funtion you can assign stories in multiple languages to single menus. These stories can be assigned to a unique Design and Layout based on design templates (so called Story Templates). It is also possible to place time-sensitive stories. The content of the stories can be made accessible to particular user groups.
Note: To work here you need to possess at least one of the roles "Editor," "Content Manager" or "Portal Master."
1. Overview
- Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
- Then click Website & CMS > Stories.
- In the navigation on the left below Stories click Overview.
. You now have different options to select a story to view or edit it:
- Menus Select the menu in which the story is located.
- Search Enter a keyword of the story title to search for the story.
- Story Type Select the story type which is assigned to the story.
- Editors Select the editor who wrote the story.
- Timeframe Select the timeframe in which the story was written.
- Story Template Select the template on which the story is based.
- Translations Select the menu in which the story is located and then select the language.
For details and further procedure please see
3. Edit.
2. Add
- Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
- Then click Website & CMS > Stories.
- In the navigation on the left below Stories click Add.
The first out of five steps opens up:
2.1 Templates
You get a list of design templates, which are the patterns according to how the new story will be displayed later.
- Choose the desired design template.
- Click on the thumbnail.
You get to the second step.
2.2 Text + Details
Note: This step can look different, dependening on the template. The template might provide different fields than the given ones
Note: You can preselect these checkboxes so they are already activated or deactivated when creating a story, q.v.
5. Standard Settings.
- Enter in the area Content in the field Title the title of your story.
Note: In the editing mode (not when initially adding) you find below the title the StoryID.
- Enter in the field Short Description an introducing description, which should be no longer than 1,000 letters (approximately 10 sentences).
Note: Please do not use any HTML here. Plaint text only.

- Enter in the field Long Description the complete text of your story.
Note: Format the text via the WYSIWYG editor, if you do not know any HTML. By clicking the Button Source Code of the WYSIWYG editor you get directly to the HTML source code where you can edit the HTML.
- If required insert placeholders: <a href="$documentID:0123456789">link name</a>. To view all existing placeholders go below the long description and click in the area placeholder the red icon.
Warning: Subsitute the number with the ID. Placeholders, which are supposed to be a link, which are framed by a HTML tag, can only be used in the HTML source code.
- With the Link Generator you can link to other elements like images, documents, forums, forms, external websites, etc. without using any placeholders.
- Click the button Link Generator.
A new window opens.
- From the selection box Select Link Type choose the type of the desired link, r.g. Link to document.
- If you want to go back click the button Other selection.
- From the next selection box choose the corresponding element, here the folder.
- Depending on the chosen link type you may get a third selection box, in this case the file.
- Enter in the field Name of link the name of the link.
- Click the button Create.
- Click the link [Copy to long description] or copy the created link and insert it directly in the HTML source code.
- Click the button Close to close the Link Generator.
- Click in the are Images the button Select to upload the image you want to place in the story.
The SITEFORUM File functionality opens up.
- If the desired image was uploaded to the file function already, then choose it from the corresponding folder.
- Is the file still on your local hard drive or system, then
1. click the button Browse.
A second window opens up.
2. Select and mark the chosen the file.
3. Click the button Open.
The second window closes.
4. Choose, in which size the image should be uploaded (Resize image to 100 px, standard size of 250 px, original width).
5. Click the button Upload in the file function.
The first window closes.
- The file is shown in the field Image URL.
- If required choose in the area Options from the selection box Story Type the story type to classify the story.
- From the selection box Preferred Language choose the language in which your story should appear by default.
- Activate the checkbox User History to make a note in contact history when the story has been viewed.
- Activate the checkbox Forwarding to provide a link to forward the story via email.
- Activate the checkbox Print to provide a link to print the story.
- Activate the checkbox Rating, if users should be able to rate stories.
- Activate the checkbox Comment, if users should be able to comment stories.
- Click the button Next step when ready.
2.3 User Groups
- Select in the area User Groups the checkbox(es) of the desired user group(s).
Guests are all anonymous visitors, who are not registered , Members are all users with a login.
- In the area Owner/Authors choose from the selection box Owner the owner of the story.
- If required enter in the field(s) Author(s) the author(s) of the story.
- Activate in the area Options the checkbox Subscription to send an email about the new story to all subscribers.
- Click the button Next Step when ready.
2.4 Menus
Select the menu(s) in which the story should be placed.
- In the area Options choose from the selection box Menüs the first Menu.
- Select in the area Menü each time Start Date and Expiry Date.
- Activate the checkbox Lead Story to make a story the lead story. A lead story can be defined for every menu and will be shown first on the menu. When the menu is displayed the lead story will be shown in its entirety.
- If required repeat this procedure to place the story in another menu.
- To remove the story from one menu click the icon Delete.
- If required select in the area Date a Reference Date.
- Click the button Next Step when ready.
2.5 Summary
All entries are listed so you can check the settings you have done
- Under Share you can activate the option "Send a notification to my friends in social networks." to share the Story in your selected networks.
- If no connections are available, you can connect your pages by clicking the corresponding orange buttons. If you have previously connected your pages, you can just activate the option and then select which network the content should be shared to. After you have saved the story, a link with the message you entered will be posted to your selected networks within 5 minutes.
- Click the button Preview to preview the story in a new browser window.
- Click the button Save & publish to save and to publish the story.
After saving the story you get an overview with which you can edit the story and the menu again.
- The first column shows all menus in which the story is saved, and the new story.
- By clicking the icon View you can view either the menu or the story.
- By clicking the icon Edit you can edit either the menu or the story.
3. Edit
- Click the button Portal Manager to get to the administrative area.
- Then click Website & CMS > Stories.
- In the navigation on the left below Stories click Overview.
You have several possibilities to select a desired story.
3.1 Select Story
Click the tab with which you want to display the story/stories.
- Select from the selection box the menu or submenu in which the desired story is placed.
- Click the button Display.
- Enter in the field Title a part or the whole name of the story.
- Click the button Display.
Story Type
- Select from the selection box the story type to which the desired story was assigned.
- Click the button Display.
- Select from the selection box the editor who posted the desired story.
- Click the button Display.
- Select from the first selection box the type of date.
- Select in the area Start Date from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the start of the story.
- Select in the area Expiration Date from the selection boxes Month, Day and Year the end of the story.
- Click the button Display.
Story Template
- Select from the selection box the template on which the story is based.
- Click the button Display.
- Select from the selection box the menu or submenu in which the desired story is placed.
- Click the button Display.
- Click in the column Actions the desired language.
After you have chosen a selection you get the following table:
- By activating the checkboxes you can do mass operations.
- Position By clicking the arrows you can change the position of the stories within the menu.
- Title Shows the name of the story. By clicking the name you get to the editing mode.
- Editor Shows the name of the editor.
- Start Date Shows the start of the story.
- Expiration Date Shows the end of the story.
- Actions to work with:
- Edit Allows the story description and details to be edited.
- Translation Allows the story description and details to be translated into another language.
- Metadata Provides special information for search engines.
- Copy Allows a simple duplication of a story.
- Version Allows you to manage various versions of the story.
- Statistics Allows you to view all accesses.
- Crosslinks Allows you to manage crosslinks in your stories.
- Delete Allows you to delete the story.
3.2 Mass Operation
You can choose among the following mass operations:
- Access Rights Change access of certain stories for exclusive user groups.
- Expiration Date Modify the validity of stories.
- Move to menu Move chosen stories to another menu. Stories will not be available in initial menu.
- Copy to menu Copy chosen stories to another menu. Stories will still be available in initial menu.
- Change story template Select another template for chosen stories.
- Story Type - Update Update the story type of the selected stories
To make a mass operation please do the following:
- Activate the checkboxes in the column ahead of the desired stories.
- From the area Mass Operation select the desired operation.
- Click the button Next.
- Now choose a user group, an expiration date, a new menu or a new story template.
- Click the button Save when ready.
3.3 Position
To sort/change the order of the stories in a menu, simly change their position by drag & drop.
3.4 Edit Content
- Select the story.
- Click in the overview either the Title or the icon Actions to choose the desired action.
You get to step 2 of the editing mode,
text + details, q.v.
2.2 Text + Details.